With more than 120 employees, the Hydrology Department is responsible for the national hydrological observation networks and databases.
We have scientists and specialist in the fields of hydrology, glaciology, sediments, erosion, hydroinformatics and geoinformation. We have a strong research and development activity.
We are collaborating with partners throughout of the world, providing expertise in hydrology. NVE is the national representative for hydrology to the WMO, member of the EAWS and national correspondent to WMGS.

National warning services
The national warning services for floods, landslides, avalanches and ice are operated by us. All warnings are published on Varsom.no.
Climate services
We monitor the effects of climate change on hydrology in Norway and Svalbard. We also develop national climate and hydrological projections within the framework of the Norwegian Centre for Climate Services.
The Hydrological Department at NVE have defined a reference dataset containing time series for use in climate change studies. Read more and get access to the reference dataset here.
Hydrological observations
NVE maintains long-term hydrological observations. The hydrological observation network cover the land-phase of the water cycle and mainly the following parameters: Water levels and discharge, water temperature, ice on lakes and rivers, sediment transport, snow water equivalent and depth, glacier mass balance and front positions, soil moisture and groundwater.
Hydrological databases
The data are quality controlled and stored in our national hydrological database system, called “HYDRA II”. This database comprises both observation data and the software for analysis and is in general open for use by registered external users.
Analyses and assessment
Our expertise includes, for example, station network design and operation, measurement and observation technology, basic and advanced data processing, hydrological database management and hydrological analyses in general.
Research and development
The department is the key national hydrological research centre. Research and development activities concentrate on applied problems related to NVE’s national responsibilities, with research programs aimed at providing an improved basis for the management of rivers, lakes and groundwater. At present, there is a strong emphasis in current research activities on problems related to hydrological forecasting and the impact of climate change on hydrology. Studies relevant to landslide and avalanche warning are also a top priority at the Department.
An international expert panel evaluated the research at the Department in 2011, as part of the Norwegian Research Council’ evaluation of research in geosciences. The climate research was included in an evaluation of Norwegian climate research in 2012. Research quality was assessed as being of a high standard, with research activities in hydrological modelling at international levels of excellence.
NVE is one of very few institutions where both hydrological research and water resources management co-exist. This creates a strong synergistic effect. A huge advantage with such an organization is that critical knowledge gaps and relevant research needs can be easily identified and addressed. Another important advantage is the close contact with various user groups and stakeholders at the national, regional and local levels, providing input with respect to the applicability of research output.
A list of research publications are available on the following page about Scientific research .
More information
Flood, landslide, avalanche and lake ice warnings area available on https://www.varsom.no/en/.
Data on snow, water, weather and climate are available on www.senorge.no.
More glacier information and data is available on https://www.nve.no/hydrology/glaciers/.