NVE FoU-publikasjoner 2022
Artiklar i internasjonale tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed international journal papers:
Andreassen, L.M., T. Nagy, B. Kjøllmoen, J.R. Leigh. 2022. An inventory of Norway’s glaciers and ice- marginal lakes from 2018–19 Sentinel-2 data. Journal of Glaciology, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2022.20
Carrivick, J.L., L.M. Andreassen, A. Nesje, J.C. Yde. 2022. A reconstruction of Jostedalsbreen during the 1 Little Ice Age and geometric changes to outlet glaciers since then. Quaternary Science Reviews, 284, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107501.
Conway, J.P., J. Abermann, L.M. Andreassen, M.F. Azam, N.J. Cullen, N. Fitzpatrick, R.H. Giesen, K. Langley, S. MacDonell, T. Mölg, V. Radic, C.H. Reijmer, J.E. Sicart. 2022. Cloud forcing of surface energy balance from in-situ measurements in diverse mountain glacier environments. The Cryosphere, 16, 3331–3356. https://doi.org/10.5194/tc-16-3331-2022
Eckerstorfer, M., Oterhals, H.D., Mueller, K., Malnes, E., Grahn, J., Langeland, S., Velsand, P. 2022. Performance of manual and automatic detection of dry snow avalanches in Sentinel-1 SAR images. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 198. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2022.103549
Engeset, R.V., Pfuhl, G., Orten, C., Hendrikx, J., and Hetland, A., 2022. Colours and maps for communicating natural hazards to users with and without colour vision deficiency. Int. J. of Disaster Risk Reduction, 76, 103034, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103034.
Grover, S., Tayal, S., Sharma, S., Beldring, S., 2022. Effect of changes in climate variables on hydrological regime of Chenab basin, western Himalaya. Journal of Water and Climate Change 13(1), 357-371. https://doi.org/10.2166/wcc.2021.003
Haddeland, I., Hole J., Holmqvist E., Koestler V., Sidelnikova, M., Veie, C.A., and Wold, M., 2022. Effects of climate on renewable energy sources and electricity supply in Norway, Renewable Energy, 196, 625-637, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.renene.2022.06.150
Huang, S., Eisner, S., Haddeland, I., Mengistu, Z.T., 2022. Evaluation of two new-generation global soil databases for macro-scale hydrological modelling in Norway. J. Hydrol. 610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127895.
Huo, R., Li, L., Engeland, K., Xu, C-Y., Chen, H., Paasche, O., Guo, S., Changing, 2022. Flood dynamics in Norway since the last millennium and to the end of the 21st century, J. Hydrol., 613 (A) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128331
Landrø, M. Engeset, R., and Pfuhl, G., 2022. The role of avalanche education in assessing and judging avalanche risk factors, Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 6 (2), 1-24, https://doi.org/10.23865/jased.v6.2977.
Keskinen, Z., Hendrikx, J., Eckerstorfer, M., Birkeland, K. 2022. Satellite detection of snow avalanches using Sentinel-1 in a transitional snow climate. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2022.103558
Li, H., Gao, H, Storteig, I., Nie, L., Sælthun, N.R., 2022. Urban flood modeling of a partially separated and combined drainage system in the Grefsen basin in Oslo, Norway. Journal of Water Management modelling 30. https://www.chijournal.org/C480
Michaelsen, B., Stewart-Patterson, I., Rolland, C., Hetland, A., and Engeset, R.V., 2022. Behavior in Avalanche Terrain: An Exploratory Study of the Illegal Snowmobiling in Norway. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19(10), 6040; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19106040.
Nazeer, A., S. Maskey, T. Skaugen and M. E. McClain (2022) changes in the hydro-climatic regime of the Hunza Basin in th upper indus under CMIP6 climate change projections. Sci Rep 12, 21442 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-25673-6
Nilsen, I.B., Hanssen-Bauer, I., Dyrrdal, A.V., Hisdal, H., Lawrence, D., Haddeland, I., Wong, W.K., 2022. From climate model output to actionable climate information in Norway. Frontiers in Climate. 4:866563. https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2022.866563
Oguz E., Depina I., Myhre B., Devoli G., Rustad H., Thakur V. (2022). IoT‑based hydrological monitoring of water‑induced landslides: a case study in central Norway. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (2022) 81:217; https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-022-02721-z
Roksvåg, T., Steinsland, I., and Engeland, K. (2022): A geostatistical spatially varying coefficient model for mean annual runoff that incorporates process-based simulations and short records, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 26, 5391–5410, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-26-5391-2022.
Rosbjerg, D., Engeland, K., Førland, E., Haghighi, A.T., Mehr, A.D., Olsson, J. (2022); Nordic contributions to stochastic methods in hydrology. Hydrology Research; 53 (6): 840–866. doi: https://doi.org/10.2166/nh.2022.137
Schumacher, J., Toft, H., McLean, J. P., Hauglin, M., Astrup, R., & Breidenbach, J. (2022). The utility of forest attribute maps for automated Avalanche Terrain Exposure Scale (ATES) modelling. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 37(4), 264-275.
Skaland, R.G., Herrador, B.G., Hisdal, H., Hygen, H.O., Hyllestad, S., Lund, V., White, R. Wong, W.K., Nygård, K. 2022. Impacts of climate change on drinking water quality in Norway. Journal of Water and Health, 20 (3): 539–550. https://doi.org/10.2166/wh.2022.264
Vickers, H., Malnes, E., Eckerstorfer, M., 2022. A synthetic aperture radar based method for long term monitoring of seasonal snowmelt and wintertime rain-on-snow events in Svalbard. Frontiers in Earth Science. Doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.868945
Wilberg, G.-J., deBruin, K., Seifert-Dahn, I., Lekkerkerk, W., Li, H., Budding-Polo Ballinas, M. 2022. Investing in urban blue–green Infrastructure–Assessing the costs and benefits of stormwater management in a peri-urban catchment in Oslo, Norway. Sustainability 14 (3). https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031934
Yanlai Zhou, Gusong R, Chong-Yu Xu1, Lihua Xiong, Sharad K Jain, Lu Li, Detection and Attribution of Norwegian Annual Precipitation Variability Related to Teleconnections. Earth and Space Science https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EA001857
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel/Popular science article:
Eidsvig U., Devoli G., Colleuille H. 2022. Jordskred og flomskred i kommunal berdeskap. Kommunalteknikk 2-2022
LandAware Working group 1 Catalog, 2022. Glossary and catalog of LEWS. https://www.landaware.org/glossary-and-catalog-of-lews/ (Graziella Devoli har vært med)
Nilsen, I. B., Heiberg, H. og Eisner, S. (2022): Databehov i landbruket - referat fra interessegruppemøter i prosjektene EMERALD, IMPRINT og KSS. Tilgjengelig på klimaservicesenter.no . Hentet fra https://klimaservicesenter.no/kss/om-oss/emerald
Nilsen, Irene Brox, Anita Verpe Dyrrdal, Thea Roksvåg, Julia Lutz, og Kolbjørn Engeland. Styrtregn og styrtflom: Hvordan kan vi unngå skader? Naturen 146 (1), 48–55. https://www.idunn.no/doi/10.18261/naturen.146.1.6
Nilsen, Irene Brox, Ingeborg Kleivane Krøgli og Kolbjørn Engeland (2022). Jernbanen må klargjøres for å takle framtidas flommer. Kronikk om flomberegninger og stikkrenner på forskning.no, 23.12.2022.
Åtte klimarapporter for verdensarvsteder, deriblant Alta:
Nilsen, Irene Brox, Hygen, Hans Olav og Hennig, Sina (2022). Bergkunsten i Alta – Et kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatilpasning ved verdensarvsteder. Lokalisert på Internett 14.11.2022 (klimaservicesenter.no). https://klimaservicesenter.no/kss/rapporter/klimarapport_verdensarvsteder
Artikler i internasjonale konferansepublikasjoner med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed national journal papers:
Nakaya H, Devoli G., Rossi M., Valdiviezo (Submitted). A revisited catalog of LEWS. Submitted at 15th INTERPRAEVENT 2022 International Symposium Oct. 17-21 2022 Taichung, Taiwan.
Devoli G., Eidsvig U., Colleuille H. (2022). Varsling av jordskredfare i Norge. Anbefalte oppgaver for lokale aktører innenfør jordskredvarslingen. Klima 2050 report 32 -2022. https://www.sintefbok.no/book/index/1327/varsling_av_jordskredfare_i_norge_anbefalte_oppgaver _for_lokale_aktoerer_innenfor_jordskredvarslingen
Tajet, H.T.T., Sagen, S., Agersten, S. Skaland, R.G., Hygen, H.O., Smits, J., Nilsen, I.B og Lussana, C. Hetebølger i Norge 1961-2020. MET-report-01-2022. ISSN 2387-4201. Klima.
Abstracts & External Presentations:
Andreassen, L.M. Measuring Norway’s glaciers and how they are changing. Oral presentation for the Icelandic Glaciological Society, Reykjavik, 29 November 2022.
Andreassen, L.M. H. Elvehøy, B. Kjøllmoen, B. A. Robson, K. H. Sjursen, J. Carrivick, K. Melvold. Changes of the Jostedalsbreen ice cap LIA-1966-2020. Oral presentation at International Symposium on Maritime Glaciers, 20-24 juni, Juneau, USA.
Barna, D. M.; Engeland, K.; Thorarinsdottir, T. L.; Xu, C.Y. (2022) Regional Flood-Duration- Frequency Models for Norwegian Catchments, Oral presentation at Hydrology and Water Related Ecosystems, XXXI Nordic Hydrological Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 15-18 August 2022.
Barna, D.M., Engeland, K., Thorarinsdottir, T., Xu, C.Y. (2022). New flood-duration-frequency models with a focus on estimation of sub- daily floods, STAHY, 12th international workshop on statistical hydrology, 17-20 september 2022, Chia, Sardinia, Italy.
Barna, D.M., Engeland, K., Thorarinsdottir, T.L., Yu, C.X., (2022) New Flood-Duration-Frequency Models with a Focus on Estimation of Sub-daily Floods. Oral presentation at 12th International Workshop on Statistical Hydrology, International Association of Hydrologic Sciences (IAHS), Chia, Sardinia (Italy), 16-19 September 2022.
Beldring, S., Huang, S., Eisner, S., Astrup, A. 2022. Event-based decision support indicators for hydrological pressure in Norway. Hydrology and Water Related Ecosystems, XXXI Nordic Hydrological Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 15-18 August 2022.
Devoli G. (2022). Multihazards prevention activities in Norway. Presentation at EMERGE, Workshop #1, 9th of February 2022, Virtual.
Devoli (2022). Definition of remote areas. Presentation at EMERGE, Workshop #2, 4th of May, Oslo, Norway.
Devoli (2022). Multihazards prevention activities in Norway, September 2022. Presentation for the Department of Mineral and Geoscience, Malaysia. Virtual
Devoli G. (2022). How to deal with summer convective rainfall and big storms? Presentation at the 1. LandAware workshop LEWS 2022, 3th-5th of October 2022. Zurich, Switzerland
Engeland, K., Aas, K. S., Erlandsen, H. B., Gelati, E., Huang, S., Narayanappa, D., Pirk, N., Silantyeva, O., Tallaksen, L. M., Vatne, A., and Yilmaz, Y.: LATICE MIP evapotranspiration – A model intercomparison project for evapotranspiration estimates at high latitudes, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-12034, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-12034, 2022.
Engeland, K., Roksvåg, T., Beldring, S., Holmqvist, E., Pedersen, A.I., and Ruan, G. (2022) New runoffmap for Norway by combining a precipitation runoff model with geostatistical interpolation, Oral presentation at IAHS conference 29. May – 3. june, Montpellier, France.
Engeland, K., Barna, D.M., Thorarinsdottir, T.L., (2022) Estimation of design values for peak floods. Oral presentation at Hydrology and Water Related Ecosystems, XXXI Nordic Hydrological Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 15-18 August 2022.
Dyrrdal, A. V., Nilsen, I. B., Mayer, S., Hygen, H. O., Dobler, A., and Hanssen-Bauer, I.: Decisions made when updating national climate projections for Norway, EMS Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany, 5– 9 Sep 2022, EMS2022-378, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2022-378 , 2022.
Dobler, A., Wong, W.K., Haddeland, I., Lawrence, D., Haugen, J. E., and Verpe Dyrrdal, A.: Uni- and multivariate bias-adjustment on a 1 km grid over Norway, EMS Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany, 5–9 Sep 2022, EMS2022-392, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2022-392 , 2022.
Florvaag-Dybvik, K.: Climate change or just new software? The impact of Extrap software on ADCP discharge measurements in Norway, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-5037, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5037, 2022.
Glad, P. A. Kurs I flomvarsling og nedbør-avløpsmodellering I regi av Norhed II-prosjektet I Zomba, Malawi. 19-23 september, 2022.
Glad, P. A. Kurs I GIS-analyser for NEA Georgia I Oslo, Norge. 4 oktober 2023.
Glad, P. A. Kurs I nedbør-avløpsmodellering for NEA Georgia I Oslo, Norge. 18 oktober 2023.
Glad, P. A. Kurs I flomberegninger for NEA Georgia I Oslo, Norge. 20 oktober 2023.
Glad, P. A. Presentasjon av hydrologisk avdeling og flomvarslingen for delegasjon fra Georgia. Oslo, Norge. 7 november 2022.
Grønsten, H. A. Automatic groundwater monitoring in Norway. EU-WATERRES "EU-integrated management system of cross-border groundwater resources and anthropogenic hazards, WP 4. Workshop, 21.-24. March 2022, Trondheim, 2022.
Haugen, T.: Snow measurements in Norway: experience from the use of snow scales and snow pillows in Norway. Nordic and UK Hydrometry Workshop 2022. Coylumbridge Hotel, Aviemore Scotland. 26 – 29 September 2022.
Hygen, H. O., Nilsen, I. B., and Dalen, E.: Climate factsheets for world heritage sites in Norway, EMS Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany, 5–9 Sep 2022, EMS2022-513, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2022- 513 , 2022.
Olsson, J.; Du, Y.; Uvo, C.B.; Sörensen, J.; Eisner, S.; Silva, B.; Beldring, S.; Li, H. 2022. GlobalHydroPressure: model-based global assessment of hydrological pressure. Hydrology and Water Related Ecosystems, XXXI Nordic Hydrological Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 15-18 August 2022.
Saloranta, T., Essery, R., Eisner, S. and Haddeland, I. 2022: Modelling snow conditions over Norway using the FSM2 model. Presentation at 2nd International conference on snow hydrology, February 2022, Grenoble, France.
Saloranta, T., Hegdahl, T., Steiner, J. and Melvold, K. 2022: Snow and streamflow forecast modelling in remote Himalayan catchments in Nepal. Presentation at the International Mountain Conference (IMC22), September 11.-15. September 2022, Innsbruck, Austria.
Stigter, E., Steiner, J., Koch, I., Saloranta, T., Kirkham, J. and Immereel, W. 2022: Energy and mass balance dynamics of the seasonal snowpack at two high-altitude sites in the Himalaya.Presentation at the International Mountain Conference (IMC22), September 11.-15. September 2022, Innsbruck, Austria.
Sund, M and Grønsten, H. A. 2022: Slushflow early warning in Norway. Cryosphere 2022, International Symposium on Ice, Snow and Water in a warming world, 21-26. Aug. 2022, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Tilley Tajet, H. T., Sagen, S., Agersten, S., Hygen, H. O., Gangstø Skaland, R., Lussana, C., Nilsen, I., and Smits, J.: Climatological Heat Waves in Norway - a base for Operational Warning System, EMS Annual Meeting 2022, Bonn, Germany, 5–9 Sep 2022, EMS2022-344, https://doi.org/10.5194/ems2022-344 , 2022.
White C., Roberts M., Freeborough K., Fowler H., Devoli G., Cranston M. (2022). Multi-hazards and emergent risks in northern Europe’s remote regions. Perspectives and ways forward in Compound Event research. 6-8 September 2022, Instituto Dom Luiz, Lisbon, Portugal. Abstract for DAMOCLES project final workshop.
Presentasjonar i Noreg/Presentations in Norway:
Andreassen, L.M. Bruk av Sentinel-data i NVE til å overvåke snøskred, snø, is, bre og flom. Nasjonalt brukerforum for Copernicus. Brukerforum 4. mai 2022. Miljødirektoratet, Oslo.
Elvehøy, H., Engabreen før og no. Presentasjon for Besøkssenter nasjonalpark Nordland, i Saltdal 31. mars 2022.
Glad, P. A., Kurs I flomberegninger for EnergiNorge og VTA. Oslo, Norge. 30. mai 2022.
Glad, P. A., Kurs I flomberegninger for NVE-ansatte. Oslo, Norge. 29 august 2022.
Glad, P. A., Webinar om flomfrekvensanalyser – Oslo, Norge. 23 november 2022.
Holmqvist, E. Kurs i flomberegninger for EnergiNorge (Damsikkerhetskurs I), Oslo, Norge. 19. september 2022.
Holmqvist, E. Kurs i flomberegninger for EnergiNorge (Damsikkerhetskurs I), Oslo, Norge. 17. Oktober 2022.
Jensen O.A, Frogner A. Devoli G. (2022).. Registrering av flom- og skredhendelser i NVE, Bakgrunn, historikk og oversikt. Presentation at the NVEs Workshop: dokumentasjon av skred- og flomhendelser, 10 Mai 2022.
Landrø, M., Livslang læring i Natur. Ekspert og ekspertise. Presentasjon på Fjellsportkonferansen Sogndal, 05.11.2022
Landrø, M., Guiders opplevde risiko og faktisk risiko i skredterreng. Presentasjon på samling for Norske Tindevegledere, Åndalsnes 11.11.2022
Langsholt, E.G., How will climate change affect hydropower potential in Georgia? Presentasjon for delegasjon fra Georgia 14.10.2022, i NVE.
Nilsen, I.B., Klimaendringer i Rogaland. Presentasjon for Lyse energi, 18. februar 2022 (via Teams).
Nilsen, I.B., Climate–hydrological modelling chain and some impact studies made at NCCS. Presentasjon for LVGMC, Latviske klimatjenester, 23. mars 2022. (via Teams).
Nilsen, I.B., New climate projections for Norway. Presentasjon for prosjektet EMERALD, 27. April 2022 (via Zoom).
Nilsen, I.B., Praktisk bruk av klimaprofiler. Presentasjon for Klimaprat nr 3 for kommuner I Troms og Finnmark, 4.oktober 2022 (via Teams, i opptak).
Svendsen, S. P.D., Anjar, J., Bui, D. T., Gjermundsen, E. F., Sund, M. Identification and mapping of slushflows. Geofaredagen 2022, NTNU 18-19.oktober.
Væringstad, T. Ny veileder i flomberegninger fra NVE. Presentasjon for “Kraftverkshydrologi og miljøforhold” i regi av EnergiNorge, Drammen, 22.11.2022.
Winsvold, S.H og Blumentrath, S. presenterte prosjektet NVE Copernicustjenester i Norge Digitalt Faggruppe for satellittdata. 14. oktober 2022 hos Miljødirektoratet, Oslo.
Wong, W.K., Utfordringer med klimaframskrivning og klimavirkningsstudie. Presentasjon for Webinar om «Vannkraft og klima», 2.november 2022 (via Teams).
Ole Johannes Øvretveit (bidrag fra Nilsen et al), Firdaposten Langeland, Førde | Slit meir og meir med snøfattige vintrar (firda.no)
Svenn Arne Lie (Bidrag fra Nilsen et al), GD: - Det er ikke sikkert Johan får oppleve disse skiturene så ofte. Det er trist å tenke på - Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen Pluss (retriever-info.com))
Mathismoen (bidrag fra Hans Olav Hygen i KSS, men framskrivningene er laget ved NVE for KSS) Hva skjer med Syvers vintre? (aftenposten.no)
Erik Holmqvist og Øyvind Leirset. Artikkel i Hamar Arbeiderblad, 14. juni 2022. Nye beregninger viser at framtidens flommer i Mjøsa vil kunne bli høyere enn hva man tidligere har lagt til grunn. I 2020 kunne det blitt en katastofe-flom på én meter høyere enn i 1995.
Fredrik Arnesen og Erik Holmqvist. Fyllingsgraden er over normalt. Hvordan påvirker været strømsprisene. Energisk – en jusspodkast fra Hjort. 17.11.2022. Fyllingsgraden er over normal! - Hjort
*Forfatter(e) fra NVE markert med fet skrift. Author(s) from NVE in bold.