Publisert 25.06.2020 , sist oppdatert 02.12.2024

2020 Graham Cogley Award til Paul Weber

Utsnitt av Gradteigskart over Svartisen som Paul arbeidet med i sin prisvinnende artikkel.

Vi gratulerer ph.d. student og Erasmus-student hos NVE Paul Weber for å ha fått utmerkelsen '2020 Graham Cogley Award for the best student-authored IGS paper' for artikkelen 'An ~1899 glacier inventory for Nordland, northern Norway, produced from historical maps.' Paul Weber deler prisen med Carlo Licciulli. Vi gratulerer også ph.d. student Joshua Leigh for å bli hedret som nominert (shortlisted) for hans artikkel 'Identifying and mapping very small (<0.5 km2) mountain glaciers on coarse to high-resolution imagery.' Både Paul Weber og Joshua Leigh har gjort sitt arbeid på norske breer i samarbeid med NVE og har Liss M. Andreassen som medveileder.


Om prisen: 'The Graham Cogley Award was established in 2019 in memory of Professor Graham Cogley who made substantial and enduring contributions to glaciology, in particular to the understanding and quantification of glacier mass change. Graham is also recognized for his sustained and outstanding service to the wider glaciological community, including as IGS Chief Editor between 2016 and 2018. The Graham Cogley Award recognizes excellence in glaciological research by student scientists. The award was initiated and is generously sponsored by the Cogley family and is shared between the International Glaciological Society (IGS) and the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS), with the IGS and the IACS giving out the award in alternate years.'


For flere detaljer om prisen og utvelgelsesprosedyren se her.


Paul og Carlo skal presentere sitt arbeid i IGS Global Seminar Series på Zoom onsdag 5. august.

Se for detaljer om 'IGS Global Seminar Series'.




Weber P, Andreassen L, Boston C, Lovell H & Kvarteig S (2020) An ~1899 glacier inventory for Nordland, northern Norway, produced from historical maps. Journal of Glaciology 66(256), 259-277.


Leigh J, Stokes C, Carr R, Evans I, Andreassen L & Evans D (2019) Identifying and mapping very small (<0.5 km2) mountain glaciers on coarse to high-resolution imagery. J Glaciol 65(254), 873-888.