Spesielle brekart laga av NVE, for noen laget i samarbeid med Norsk Polarinstitutt eller Stockholms Universitet.
Maps of glaciers constructed by NVE often for mass balance investigations. Some of them were produced in collaboration with the Polar Institute or the University of Stockholm.
Glacier Surface Scale Contour interval Remarks
year (m)
Bondhusbreen 1979 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc.
Erdalsbreen-Vesledalsbreen 1966 1:20000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc
Folgefonni, Midtre 1959, 1981 1:10000 10 Duplex print with maps from 1959 and 1981, photos, text, etc
Folgefonni, part of 1959 1:10000 10 -
Gråsubreen 1968 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc. .
Gråsubreen 1984 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc.
Hellstugubreen 1962 1:10000 10 -
Hellstugubreen 1980 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc
Memurubre, Austre 1966 1:10000 10 -
Memurubre, Vestre 1966 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc
Nigardsbreen 1964 1:20000 20 -
Nigardsbreen 1974 1:20000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc.
Nigardsbreen 1984 1:20000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc.
Riukojietna 1960, 1978 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map,from 1960 and 1978, photos, text etc..
Salajekna (Sulitjelmaisen) 1950-1982 1:20000 10 Duplex print with map of the glacier in 1950, 1957/58, 1971 and 1980/1982, photos, text, etc.
Storsteinsfjellbreen 1960 1:10000 10 -
Storsteinsfjellbreen 1993 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map, photos, text, etc.
Strupbreen 1952-1985 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map of the glacier in 1952, 1978 and 1985, photos, text, etc.
Sylglaciaren 1908-1982 1:10000 10 Duplex print with six maps of the glacier in the period 1908-1982, photos, text, etc.
Trollbergdalsbreen 1968 1:10000 10 -
Tunsbergdalsbreen 1964 1:20000 20 Parts of the glacier have no contour lines.
Ålfotbreen 1968 1:10000 10 Duplex print with map and text.
Ålfotbreen 1988 1:10000 10 Duplex print ith map, photos, text, etc