NVE har gjennomført flere FoU-prosjekter om konsekvensene av klimaendringer på vannressursene globalt, regionalt og i Norge.
Prosjektenes formål:
- Beskrive langtidsvariabiliteten i hydrologi og kryosfæren i Norge, basert på lange måleserier.
- Utarbeide fremskrivninger for Norges hydrologi, basert på klimafremskrivninger.
- Vurdere fremtidige endringer i flom og tørke.
En samlet oversikt over den historiske endringen i klima og hydrologi, utviklingen i nær fortid og fremtid og forventede klima- og hydrologiske endringer i fremtiden finner du i rapporten Klima i Norge 2100:
Hanssen-Bauer, I., Førland, E.J., Haddeland, I., Hisdal, H., Mayer S., Nesje, A., Nilsen, J.E.Ø., Sandven, S., Sandø, A.B., Sorteberg, A. & Ådlandsvik B. (Red.) (2015) Klima i Norge 2100. Kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatilpasning oppdatert i 2015. NCCS report no. 2/2015.
Oversikt over publikasjoner i siste 6 år:
Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed international journal papers
Andreassen, L.M., Elvehøy, H., Kjøllmoen, B. & Belart, J.M.C. (2020) Glacier change in Norway since the 1960s – an overview of mass balance, area, length and surface elevation changes. Journal of Glaciology, 66(256), 313–328,
Weber, P., Lovell, H., Andreassen, L.M. & Boston, C.M. (2020) Reconstructing the Little Ice Age extent of Langfjordjøkelen, northernmost Arctic Norway, as a baseline for assessing centennial-scale icefield recession. Polar Research, 39,
Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed international journal papers
Blöschl, G. et al. incl. Wilson, D. (2019) Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods. Nature, 573, 108–111,
Erlandsen, H.B., Tallaksen, L.M. & Kristiansen, J. (2019) Merits of novel high-resolution estimates and existing long-term estimates of humidity and incident radiation in a complex domain, Earth System Science Data, 11, 797–821,
Huang, S., Eisner, S., Magnusson, J., Lussana, C., Yang, X. & Beldring, S. (2019) Improvements of the spatially distributed hydrological modelling using the HBV model at 1 km resolution for Norway. Journal of Hydrology, 557:123585,
Samaniego et al. incl. Hisdal, H. (2019) Hydrological forecasting for improved decision making in the water sector in Europe. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,
Winstral, A., Magnusson, J., Schirmer, M. & Jonas, T. (2019) The Bias Detecting Ensemble Methodology: A New and Efficient Snow Data Assimilation Technique Designed for Distributed, Energy-Balance Snow Models. Water Resources Research, 55, 613–631,
Yang, X., Magnusson, J., & Xu, C.-Y. (2019) Transferability of regionalization methods under changing climate. Journal of Hydrology, 568, 67–81,
Hock, R., G. Rasul, C. Adler, B. Cáceres, S. Gruber, Y. Hirabayashi, M. Jackson, A. Kääb, S. Kang, S. Kutuzov, Al. Milner, U. Molau, S. Morin, B. Orlove, and H. Steltzer, 2019: High Mountain Areas. In: IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, A. Alegría, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N.M. Weyer (eds.)]
Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed international journal papers
Beniston, M., Farinotti, D., Stoffel, M., Andreassen, L.M., Coppola, E., Eckert, N., Fantini, A., Giacona, F., Hauck, C., Huss, M., Huwald, H., Lehning, M., López-Moreno, J.-I., Magnusson, J., Marty, C., Morán-Tejéda, E., Morin, S., Naaim, M., Provenzale, A., Rabatel, A., Six, D., Stötter, J., Strasser, U., Terzago, S. & Vincent, C. (2018) The European mountain cryosphere: a review of its current state, trends, and future challenges. The Cryosphere, 12, 759–794,
Gao, HK., Li, H., Duan, Z., Ren, Z., Meng, X. & Pan, X. (2018) Modelling glacier variation and its impact on water resource in the Urumqi Glacier No. 1 in Central Asia. Science of The Total Environment, 644, 1160–1170,
Huang, S. & Hattermann, F.F. (2018) Coupling a global hydrodynamic algorithm and a regional hydrological model for large-scale flood inundation simulations. Hydrology Research, 49 (2), 438–449,
Huang, S., Kumar, R., Rakovec, O., Aich, V., Wang, X., Samaniego, L., Liersch, S. & Krysanova, V. (2018) Multimodel assessment of flood characteristics in four large river basins at global warming of 1.5, 2.0 and 3.0 K above the pre-industrial level. Environmental Research Letters, 13 (12),
Huang, S., Wortmann, M., Duethmann, D., Menz, C., Shi, F., Zhao, C., Su, B. & Krysanova, V. (2018) Adaptation strategies of agriculture and water management to climate Change in the Upper Tarim River basin, NW China. Agricultural Water Management., 203, 207–224,
Osuch, M., Romanowicz, R.J. & Wong W.K. (2018) Analysis of low flow indices under varying climatic conditions in Poland. Hydrology Research, 49 (2), 373–389,
Piniewski, M., Szcześniak, M., Huang, S. & Kundzewicz, Z.W. (2018) Projections of runoff in the Vistula and the Odra river basins with the help of the SWAT model. Hydrology research, 49 (2),
Rizzi, J., Nilsen, I.B., Stagge, J.H., Gisnås, K. & Tallaksen, L.M. (2018) Five decades of warming: impacts on snow cover in Norway. Hydrology Research, 49 (3), 670–688,
Stokes, C.R., Andreassen, L.M., Champion, M.R. & Corner, G.D. (2018) Widespread and accelerating glacier retreat on the Lyngen Peninsula, northern Norway, since their ‘Little Ice Age’ maximum. Journal of Glaciology, 64 (243), 100–118,
Vincent, C., Soruco, A., Azam, M.F., Basantes‐Serrano, R., Jackson, M., Kjøllmoen, B., Thibert, E., Wagnon, P., Six, D., Rabatel, A., Ramanathan, A., Berthier, E., Cusicanqui, D., Vincent, P. & Mandal, A. (2018) A nonlinear statistical model for extracting a climatic signal from glacier mass balance measurements. JGR Earth Surface, 123 (9), 2228–2242,
Vormoor, K., Heistermann, M., Bronstert, A. & Lawrence, D. (2018) Hydrological model parameter (in)stability under contrasting flood seasonality conditions. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 63 (7),
Sorteberg, A., Lawrence, D., Dyrrdal, A.V., Mayer, S. & Engeland, K. (Eds.) (2018) Climatic changes in short duration extreme precipitation and rapid onset flooding – implications for design values. NCCS report no. 1/2018, Norwegian Centre for Climate Services, 144 p.
Populærvitskapelege artiklar/Popular science articles
Støren, E., Engeland, K. & Paasche, Ø. (2018) Nye metoder gir økt kunnskap om flom. Naturen 6, 267–274
Tallaksen, L. & Hisdal, H. (2018) Tørke – en klimafare med alvorlige konsekvenser, også i Norge. Naturen 6, 238–245
Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed international journal papers
Blöschl, G., Hall, J., Parajka, J. et al. (incl. Wilson, D.) (2017) Changing climate shifts timing of European floods. Science 357 (6351), 588–590, DOI: 10.1126/science.aan2506
Erlandsen, H.B., Haddeland, I., Tallaksen, L.M. & Kristiansen, J. (2017) The Sensitivity of the Terrestrial Surface Energy and Water Balance Estimates in the WRF Model to Lower Surface Boundary Representations: A South Norway Case Study. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18 (1), 265–284, DOI:10.1175/JHM-D-15-0146.1
Gosling, S.N., Zaherpour, J., Mount, N.J. et al. (incl. Haddeland, I.) (2017) A comparison of changes in river runoff from multiple global and catchment-scale hydrological models under global warming scenarios of 1 °C, 2 °C and 3 °C. Climatic Change, 141 (3), 577–595, DOI:10.1007/s10584-016-1773-3
Hodgkins, G.A., Whitfield, P.H., Burn, D.H. et al. (incl. Fleig, A., Wilson, D.) (2017) Climate-driven variability in the occurrence of major floods across North America and Europe. Journal of Hydrology, 552, 704–717. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.07.027
Huang, S., Kumar, R., Flörke, M. et al. (2016) Evaluation of an ensemble of regional hydrological models in 12 large-scale river basins worldwide. Climatic Change, 141 (3), 381–397, DOI:10.1007/s10584-016-1841-8
Krysanova, V., Vetter, T., Eisner, S. et al. (incl. Huang, S.) (2017) Intercomparison of regional-scale hydrological models and climate change impacts projected for 12 large river basins worldwide—a synthesis. Environmental Research Letters, 12 (10), 105002, DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/aa8359
Ødegård, R.S., Nesje, A. Isaksen, K. et al. (incl. Andreassen, L.M.) (2017) Climate change threatens archaeologically significant ice patches: insights into their age, internal structure, mass balance and climate sensitivity. The Cryosphere, 11, 17–32, DOI: 10.5194/tc-11-17-2017
Hanssen, G.S., Barkved, L., Görlitz, S., Hisdal, H., Hofstad, H., Interwies, E., Jagers, S., Junker, J., Lundqvist, L.J., Seifert, I. & Seva, M. (2017) Governing risk society. Institutional conditions for local adaptive capacity to climate change in Norway, Sweden and Germany. NIBR Report 2017:10, 101 p.
Hanssen-Bauer, I., Førland, E.J., Haddeland, I., Hisdal, H., Lawrence, D., Meyer, S., Nesje, J.E.Ø, Sandven, S., Sandø, A.B., Sorteberg, A. & Ådlandsvik, B. (2017) Climate in Norway 2100 – a knowledge base for climate adaptation. NCCS report no. 1/2017, 47 p.
Hisdal, H., Vikhamar-Schuler, D., Førland, E. & Nilsen, I.B. (2017) Klimaprofiler for fylker. Et kunnskapsgrunnlag for klimatilpasning. NCCS report no. 3/2017, 144 p.
Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed international journal papers
Hamududu, B.H. & Killingtveit, Å. (2016) Hydropower Production in Future Climate Scenarios: The Case for Kwanza River, Angola. Energies, 9 (5), 363, DOI:10.3390/en9050363
Hamududu, B.H. & Killingtveit, Å. (2016) Hydropower Production in Future Climate Scenarios; the Case for the Zambezi River. Energies, 9 (7), 502, DOI:10.3390/en9070502
Hundecha, Y., Sunyer, M.A., Lawrence, D., Madsen, H., Willems, P., Bürger, B., Kriaučiūnienė, J., Loukas, A., Martinkova, M., Osuch, M., von Christierson, B., Vormoor, K. & Yücel, I. (2016) Inter-comparison of statistical downscaling methods for projection of extreme flow indices across Europe. Journal of Hydrology, 541, 1273–1286, DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.08.033
Li, H., Xu, C-Y., Beldring, S., Tallaksen, L.M. & Jain, S.K. (2016) Water resources under climate change in Himalayan basins. Water Resources Management, 30, 843–859, DOI:10.1007/s11269-015-1194-5
Osuch, M., Lawrence, D., Meresa, H., Napiorkowski, J. & Romanowicz, R.J. (2016) Projected changes in flood indices in selected catchments in Poland in the 21st century. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, DOI:10.1007/s00477-016-1296-5
Osuch, M., Romanowicz, R.J., Lawrence, D. & Wong, W.K. (2016) Trends in projections of standardized precipitation indices in a future climate in Poland. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 20, 1947–1969, DOI:10.5194/hess-20-1947-2016
Romanowicz, R.J., Bogdanowicz, E., Debele, S.E., Doroszkiewicz, J., Hisdal, H., Lawrence, D., Meresa, H.K., Napiorkowski, J.J., Osuch, M., Strupczewski, W.G., Wilson, D. & Wong, W.K. (2016) Climate change impacts on hydrological extremes (CHIHE): A Polish-Norwegian Project. Acta Geophysica, 64 (2), 477–509, DOI:10.1515/acgeo-2016-0009
Vormoor, K., Lawrence, D., Schlichting, L., Wilson, D. & Wong, W.K. (2016) Evidence for changes in the magnitude and frequency of observed rainfall vs. snowmelt driven floods in Norway. Journal of Hydrology, 538, 33–48, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.03.066
Populærvitenskapelige artikler/Popular science articles
Hanssen-Bauer, I., Hisdal, H. & Mayer, S. (2016) Norges klimafremtid: Varmere og enda våtere. Naturen, 1, 12–20, doi:10.18261/ issn.1504–3118–2016–01–03
NVE rapport
Steen, R. & Andersen, D. (2016) Klimatilpasning i energiforsyningen. NVE rapport 76-2016, 27 pp.
Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed international journal papers
Engelhardt, M., Schuler, T.V. & Andreassen, L.M. (2015) Sensitivities of glacier mass balance and runoff to climate perturbations in Norway. Annals of Glaciology, 56 (70), 79–88, doi:10.3189/2015AoG70A004
Fleig, A.K., Tallaksen, L.M., James, P., Hisdal, H. & Stahl, K. (2015) Attribution of European precipitation and temperature trends to changes in synoptic circulation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 3093–3107, doi:10.5194/hess-19-3093-2015
Frieler, K., Levermann, A., Elliott, J., Heinke, J., Arneth, A., Bierkens, M.F.P., Ciais, P., Clark, D.B., Deryng, D., Döll, P., Falloon, P., Fekete, B., Folberth, C., Friend, A.D., Gellhorn, C., Gosling, S.N., Haddeland, I., Khabarov, N., Lomas, M., Masaki, Y., Nishina, K., Neumann, K., Oki, T., Pavlick, R., Ruane, A.C., Schmid, E., Schmitz, C., Stacke, T., Stehfest, E., Tang, Q., Wisser, D., Huber, V., Piontek, F., Warszawski, L., Schewe, J., Lotze-Campen, H. & Schellnhuber H.J. (2015) A framework for the cross-sectoral integration of multi-model impact projections: land use decisions under climate impacts uncertainties. Earth System Dynamics, 6, 447–460, doi:10.5194/esd-6-447-2015
Li, H., Beldring, S. & Xu, C-Y. (2015) Stability of model performance and parameter values on two catchments facing changes in climatic conditions. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 60 (7–8), 1317–1330. doi:10.1080/02626667.2014.978333
Li, H., Beldring, S., Xu, C-Y., Huss, M., Melvold, K. & Jain, S.K. (2015) Integrating a glacier retreat model into a hydrological model – Case studies of three glacierised catchments in Norway and Himalayan region. Journal of Hydrology, 527, 656–667, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.05.017
Mediero, L., Kjeldsen, T.R., Macdonald, N., Kohnova, S., Merz, B., Vorogushyn, S., Wilson, D., Alburquerque, T., Blöschl, G., Bogdanowicz, E., Castellarin, A., Hall, J., Kobold, M., Kriaučiūnienė, J., Lang, M., Madsen, H., Onuşluel Gül, G., Perdigão, R.A.P., Roald, L.A., Salinas, J.L., Toumazis, A.D., Veijalainen, N. & Þórarinsson, Ó. (2015) Identification of coherent flood regions across Europe by using the longest streamflow records. Journal of Hydrology, 528, 341–360, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.06.016
Sunyer, M.A., Hundecha, Y., Lawrence, D., Madsen, H., Willems, P., Martinkova, M., Vormoor, K., Bürger, G., Hanel, M., Kriaučiūnienė, J., Loukas, A., Osuch, M. & Yücel, I. (2015) Intercomparison of statistical downscaling methods for projection of extreme precipitation in Europe. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 1827–1847, doi:10.5194/hess-19-1827-2015
Vormoor, K., Lawrence, D., Heistermann, M. & Bronstert, A. (2015). Climate change impacts on the seasonality and generation processes of floods – projections and uncertainties for catchments with mixed snowmelt/rainfall flood regimes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 19, 913–931, doi:10.5194/hess-19-951-2015
NVE rapport
Beisland, C.S., Birkelund, H., Endresen, H., Haddeland, I. & Vik, M.A. (2015) Et væravhengig kraftsystem - og et klima i endring. NVE Rapport 85-2015, 16 pp.