Irene Brox Nilsen
Navn / Name: Irene Brox Nilsen
Tittel / Title: Forsker, PhD. / Researcher
Avdeling / Department: Hydrologisk avdeling / Hydrology Department
Seksjon / Section: Hydrologisk modellering / Hydrological Modelling
Epost / Email: ibni 'at'
Arbeider med / Areas of work:
- Klimaendringer / Climate change
- Klimaprofiler / Climate fact-sheets
- Klima i Norge 2100 / Climate in Norway 2100
- Nullgraderspasseringer / Zero-crossings
Irene Brox Nilsen is a research scientist at NVE in a position funded by the Norwegian Centre for Climate Services (NCCS). She works at the interface between researchers, technical managers and policy makers, often in a transdisciplinary context and focusing on the implementation of climate-related research output in decision-making and management tools. She has played a key role in developing the Climate Factsheets now available for each county in Norway for use by local planners and decision makers in climate change adaptation planning.
Prosjekter / Projects:
- Klima i Norge 2100
- ClimDesign
Publikasjoner / Publications: