Tuomo Saloranta
Navn / Name: Tuomo Saloranta
Tittel / Title: Forsker / Researcher
Avdeling / Department: Hydrologisk avdeling / Hydrology Department
Seksjon / Section: Bre, is og snø / Glaciers, ice and snow
Epost / Email: tus 'at' nve.no
Arbeider med / Areas of work:
- Snø, snømodellering og hydrologi i Norge og i Himalaya / Snow, snow modelling and hydrology in Norway and in the Himalaya
- Snøforhold i fremtidens klima / Snow conditions in a future climate
- Flom- og jordskredvarslingstjeneste / Flood and landslide forecasting service
Prosjekter / Current projects:
- Snow accumulation and melting processes in Himalayan watersheds (snowAMP)
- The human imprint on land-atmosphere exchange in high latitudes (IMPRINT)
- Klima i Norge 2100 / Climate in Norway 2100
- Snow models and automatization for geohazard forecasting (SMAUG)
Publikasjoner / Publications: