NVE FoU-publikasjoner 2019

FoU-publikasjoner utenom NVEs serier 2019/R&D Publications outside the NVE’s series 2019.

Artikler i internasjonale tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering /Peer-reviewed international journal papers.


Blöschl, G. et al. incl. Wilson, D. (2019) Changing climate both increases and decreases European river floods. Nature, 573, 108–111, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-019-1495-6  


Blöschl, G. et al. incl. Skaugen, T. (2019) Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 64:10, 1141–1158,  https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2019.1620507


Erlandsen, H.B., Tallaksen, L.M. & Kristiansen, J. (2019) Merits of novel high-resolution estimates

and existing long-term estimates of humidity and incident radiation in a complex domain. Earth System Science Data, 11, 797–821, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-11-797-2019


Filipova, V., Lawrence, D. & Skaugen, T. (2019) A stochastic event-based approach for flood estimation in catchments with mixed rainfall and snowmelt flood regimes. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19, 1–18, https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-19-1-2019  


Haque U., da Silva P.F., Devoli G., Pilz J., Zhao B., Khaloua A., Wilopo W., Andersen P.,  Lu P., Lee J., Yamamoto T., Keellings D., Wu J-H. & Glass G.E. (2019) The human cost of global warming: Deadly landslides and their triggers (1995-2014). Science of the Total Environment 682, 673–684, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.03.415


Hegdahl, T.J., Engeland, K., Steinsland, I. & Tallaksen, L.M. (2019) Streamflow forecast sensitivity to air temperature forecast calibration for 139 Norwegian catchments. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23, 723–739, https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-23-723-2019


Huang, S., Eisner, S., Magnusson, J., Lussana, C., Yang, X. & Beldring. S. (2019) Improvements of the spatially distributed hydrological modelling using the HBV model at 1 km resolution for Norway. Journal of Hydrology, 557:123585, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.051


Kirkham, J. D., Koch, I., Saloranta, T., Litt, M., Stigter, E., Møen, K., Thapa, A., Melvold, K. & Immerzeel, W.W. (2019) Near Real-Time Measurement of Snow Water Equivalent in the Nepal Himalayas. Frontiers in Earth Science 7:177, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2019.00177


Landrø, M., Hetland. A., Engeset, R.V. & Pfuhl, G. (2019) Avalanche decision-making frameworks: factors and methods used by experts. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 170:102897, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2019.102897.


Leigh, J.R, Stokes, C.R., Carr, R.J., Evans, I.S., Andreassen, L.M. & Evans, D.J.A. (2019) Identifying and mapping very small (<0.5 km2) mountain glaciers on coarse to high-resolution imagery. Journal of Glaciology, 65(254), 873–888, https://doi.org/10.1017/jog.2019.50



Lievens, H., Demuzere, M., Marshall, H-P., Reichle, R.H., Brucker, L., Brangers, I., de Rosnay, P., Dumont, M., Girotto, M., Immerzeel, W.W., Jonas, T., Kim, E.J., Koch, I., Marty, C., Saloranta, T., Schöber, J. & De Lannoy, G.J.M. (2019) Snow depth variability in the Northern Hemisphere mountains observed from space. Nature Communications 10, 4629, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-12566-y


Magnusson, J., Eisner, S., Huang, S., Lussana, C., Mazzotti, G., Essery, R., Saloranta, T. &  Beldring, S. (2019) Influence of spatial resolution on snow cover dynamics for a coastal and mountainous region at high latitudes (Norway). Water Resources Research, 55(7), 5612–5630,   https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR024925


Morin, S., Horton, S., Techel, F., Bavay, M., Coléou, C., Fierz, C., Gobiet A., Hagenmuller P., Lafaysse, M., Lizar, M., Mitterer, C., Monti, F., Müller, K., Olefs, M., Snook, J.S., van Herwijnen, A. & Vionnet, V. (2019) Application of physical snowpack models in support of operational avalanche hazard forecasting: A status report on current implementations and prospects for the future.

Cold Regions Science and Technology, 170:102910, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coldregions.2019.102910


Nagy, T., Andreassen, L.M., Duller, R.A. & Gonzalez, P.J. (2019) SenDiT: A Sentinel-2 Displacement Toolbox with application to glacier surface velocities. Remote Sensing, 11(10), 1151, https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11101151


Saloranta, T., Thapa, A., Kirkham, J. D., Koch, I., Melvold, K., Stigter, E., Litt, M. & Møen, K. (2019) A model setup for mapping snow conditions in high-mountain Himalaya. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7:129, https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2019.00129


Samaniego et al. incl. Hisdal, H. (2019) Hydrological forecasting for improved decision making in the water sector in Europe. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 100, 2451–2472 https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0274.1


Skaugen, T. & Melvold, K. (2019) Modeling the snow depth variability with a high‐resolution lidar data set and nonlinear terrain dependency. Water Resources Research, 55(11), 9689–9704, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019WR025030


Szwed, M., Dobler, A., Mezghani, A. & Saloranta, T. M. (2019) Change of maximum snow cover depth in Poland – trends and projections. Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service (IDŐJÁRÁS) 123(4), 487–500, doi:10.28974/idojaras.2019.4.5  


Tsegaw, A.T., Alfredsen, K., Skaugen, T. & Muthanna, T.M. (2019) Predicting hourly flows at ungauged small rural catchments using a parsimonious hydrological model. Journal of Hydrology, 573, 855–871,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.03.090  


Weber, P., Boston, C.M., Lowell, H. & Andreassen, L.M. (2019) Evolution of the Norwegian plateau icefield Hardangerjøkulen since the ‘Little Ice Age’. The Holocene, 29(12), 1885–1905, https://doi.org/10.1177/0959683619865601


Winstral, A., Magnusson, J., Schirmer, M. & Jonas, T. (2019) The Bias Detecting Ensemble Methodology: A New and Efficient Snow Data Assimilation Technique Designed for Distributed, Energy-Balance Snow Models. Water Resources Research, 55(1), 613–631, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018WR024521


Yan, L., Xiong, L., Ruan, G., Xu, C-Y., Yan, P. & Liu, P. (2019) Reducing uncertainty of design floods of two-component mixture distributions by utilizing flood timescale to classify flood types in seasonally snow covered region. Journal of Hydrology, 574, 588–608, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.04.056


Yang, X., Magnusson, J. & Xu, C-Y. (2019) Transferability of regionalization methods under changing climate. Journal of Hydrology, 568, 67–81, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2018.10.030

Yuan, Q., Thorarinsdottir, T.L., Beldring, S., Wong, W.K., Huang, S. & Xu, C-Y. (2019) New Approach for Bias Correction and Stochastic Downscaling of Future Projections for Daily Mean Temperatures to a High-resolution Grid. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58(12), 2617–2632, https://doi.org/10.1175/JAMC-D-19-0086.1 


Artikkel i nasjonal tidsskrift med fagfellevurdering /Peer-reviewed national journal paper


Molkesrød, K., L'Abée-Lund, J.H. & Rørstad, P.K. (2019) Årsaker til driftsstans i småkraftverk. Vann 1-2019, 45–50.



Artikler i internasjonale konferansepublikasjoner med fagfellevurdering/Peer-reviewed national journal papers


Dahl, M-P., Sørensen, T.L., Dalen, E. & Bogetveit L.J. (2019): Variation in discharge data and correction routines at the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate, Norway. Conference proceedings of 20th workshop on the Hydraulics of Ice covered Rivers, Ottawa, Canada, 18 p., http://www.cripe.ca/docs/proceedings/20/Dahl-et-al-2019.pdf



Bøker og kapittel i bøker/Books and book chapters


Rasmussen, G., L’Abée-Lund, J.H., Degerman, E., Birzaks, J., Debowski, P., Esin, E., Hammar, J., Hesthagen, T., Huusko, A., Kesler, M., Kontautas, A., Markevich, G., Petereit, C., Titov, S., Vehanen, T. & Aas, Ø. (2019) Trout and Char of Northern Europe. In: Kershner, J.L., Williams, J.E., Gresswell R.E. & Lobón-Cerviá, J. (Eds.): Trout and Char of the World. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA, ISBN: 978-1-934874-54-7, pp. 351–377.





Braskerud, B.C., Azhar, S., Barkved, L.J., de Bruin, K., Christiansen, A.F., Fleig, A., Isager, E.B.,  Iversen, H., Kristensen, K.,  Li, H.,  Seifert-Dӓhnn, I.,  Skaugen, T.,  Sjødahl E.U & Volden, E.P (2019) Hver dråpe teller-Blågrønn infrastruktur I byer. Eksempler på tiltak basert på studietur til Amsterdam og Rotterdam. Niva-rapport 7382-2019, 48 p.


Skaland, R. G., Colleuille, H., Andersen, A.S.H., Mamen, J., Grinde, L., Tajet, H.T.T., Lundstad, E., Sidselrud, L. F., Tunheim, K., Hanssen-Bauer, I., Benestad, R., Heiberg, H. & Hygen, H.O. (2019) Tørkesommeren 2018. MET-Info rapport 14-2019, 79 p.



Populærvitenskapelige artikler/Popular science articles


Andreassen, L.M. & Nagy, T. (2019) Sentinel satellittbilder til å kartlegge og overvåke breer. Posisjon, nr. 4-2019, p. 7, https://issuu.com/geoforum/docs/posisjon_2019_4


Andreassen, L.M. & Weber, P. (2019) Historiske kart over Norge avslører breenes utvikling.

Aftenposten, 29.10.2019 (Viten-artikkel), https://www.aftenposten.no/viten/i/4qG55g/historiske-kart-over-norge-avsloerer-breenes-utvikling




* Forfattere fra NVE markert med fet skrift. Author(s) from NVE in bold.